Juhi sharma roll 7

CELL ( 18 april 2016 )
Water from cucumber comes iout when we add salt to it ?
the cells of the cucumber have low salt content while the water around it has high salt content . therefore , to maintain a balance water comes out of the cucumber . this process is called osmosis


we observe that the level of salt does not change even after dissolving of salt in it because the particles of salt get into the spaces between the particles of water .

properties of particles
1 these are very small
2.these posses kinetic energy
3. these have space between them

GIVE REASONS (7 april 2016 )
table is hard : this is because table is solid and so its particpes are tightly packed together .
the smell of hot sizzling food reaches our nose : this is because the particles of the smell of food get into the particles of air and travel very fast because particles posses kinetic energy faster in high temperature .
LATENT HEAT ( 13 april 2016 )
Latent heat of fusion : the heat required to change 1 kg of solid to liquid completely is known as latent heat of fusion .
Latent heat of vapourisation : the heat required to change one kg of liquid into vapours at atmospheric pressure.

EXERCISES cell date :  7 april 2016
1. Difference between plant and animal cell
Plant cell                                               animal cell

Cell wall is present                         cell wall is absent

Plastids are present                        plastids are absent .  4 . What would happen if there is no Golgi apparatus ?

Golgi apparatus has a function of storage modific
ation and packaging .  so , if there is no golgi apparatus , then the packaging and transporting of materials will not happen .

5. Which part of cell is known as powerhouse of cell and why ?

Mitochondria is known as powerhouse of cell as it provides energy for performing different chemical activities .

6. Where do lipids and protiens constituting plasma membrane get synthesised  ?

Endoplasmic reticulum

8 . what is osmosis ? 

  the tendency of a fluid, usually water, topass through a semipermeablemembrane into a solution where thesolvent concentration is higher, thusequalizing the concentrations of materials on either side of themembrane.

2.  Difference between Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic cells
1 primitive nucleus not bounded by nucleur membrane .
2 size of cell is small
3membrane bound organelles are absent

Eukaryotic cells
1the nucleus bounded by nucleau membrane
2 size is large
3 .  membrane bound organelles are present

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