Monday 11 July 2016


Types of nutrient[edit]

Main article: Nutrition

Good sources ofmagnesium: bran muffins, pumpkin seeds, barley, buckwheat flour, low-fat vanilla yogurt, trail mix, halibut steaks, garbanzo beans, lima beans, soybeans, and spinach
Macronutrients are defined in several different ways.[4]

Substances that provide energy[edit]

Although alcohol provides energy, and can thus be compared to macronutrients, it is not a substance that is essential for normal function. The acetic acid in vinegar also provides a similar amount of energy per gram, but again, it is not a nutrient because it is not essential for normal function.
Fat has an energy content of 9 kcal/g (~37.7 kJ/g); proteins and carbohydrates 4 kcal/g (~16.7 kJ/g). Ethanol (grain alcohol) has an energy content of 7 kcal/g (~29.3 kJ/g).[5]

Substances that support metabolism[edit]

  • Dietary minerals are generally trace elements, salts, or ions such as copper and iron. Some of these minerals are essential to human metabolism.
  • Vitamins are organic compounds essential to the body. They usually act as coenzymes or cofactors for various proteins in the body.
  • Water is an essential nutrient and is the solvent in which all the chemical reactions of life take place.
Main articles: Plant nutrition and Fertilizer

The strip of a green alga (Enteromorpha) along this shore indicates that there is a nearby source of nutrients (probably nitrates orammonia from a small estuary).
Plants absorb nutrients from the soil or the atmosphere, or from water (mainly aquatic plants). An exception are the carnivorous plants, which externally digest nutrients from animals before ingesting them.[6]
The chemical elements consumed in the greatest quantities by plants are carbonhydrogen, and oxygen. These are present in the environment in the form of water and carbon dioxide; energy is provided by sunlight.[7] Nitrogenphosphorus, and sulfur are also needed in relatively large quantities. Together, the "Big Six" are the elemental macronutrients for all organisms,[8] often represented by theacronym CHNOPS.[9] Usually they are sourced from inorganic (e.g. carbon dioxidewaternitratephosphatesulfate) or organic (e.g.carbohydrateslipidsproteinscompounds, although elemental diatomic molecules of nitrogen and (especially) oxygen are often used.
Other chemical elements are also necessary to carry out various life processes and build structures; see fertilizer and micronutrient for more information.

Rich sources of copper: oysters, beef or lamb liver, Brazil nuts, blackstrap molasses, cocoa, and black pepper. Good sources: lobster, nuts and sunflower seeds, green olives, and wheat bran.
Some of these are considered micronutrients in certain organisms. The mnemonic C. HOPKN'S CaFe Mg (to be used as C. Hopkins coffee mug) is used by some students to remember the list as: carbonhydrogenoxygenphosphoruspotassiumnitrogensulfur,calciumiron, and magnesiumSiliconchloridesodiumcopperzinc, and molybdenum are sometimes also included, but are in other cases considered micronutrients.[10]

Essential and non-essential nutrients[edit]

Main article: Essential nutrient
Nutrients are frequently categorized as essential and nonessential.

Essential nutrients[edit]

Essential nutrients are unable to be synthesized internally (either at all, or in sufficient quantities), and so must be consumed by an organism from its environment.[11] Nonessential nutrients are those nutrients that can be made by the body; they may often also be absorbed from consumed food.[11] The majority of animals ultimately derive their essential nutrients from plants,[11] though some animals may consume mineral-based soils to supplement their diet.
For humans, these include essential fatty acidsessential amino acidsvitamins, and certain dietary mineralsOxygen and water are also essential for human survival, but are generally not considered "food" when consumed in isolation. There are no "essential carbohydrates", animals can synthesize all the types of carbohydrates needed for growth.
Humans can derive energy from a wide variety of fatscarbohydratesproteins, and simple chemicals such as ethanol and acetic acid.

Non-essential nutrients[edit]

Non-essential nutrients are substances within foods can still have a significant impact on health, whether beneficial or toxic. For example, most dietary fiber is not absorbed by the human digestive tract, but is important in maintaining the bulk of a bowel movement to avoid constipation.
Interest has recently increased in phytochemicals, which include many non-essential substances which may or may not have health benefits.[1]

Deficiencies and toxicity[edit]

An inadequate amount of a nutrient is a deficiency. Deficiencies can be due to a number of causes including inadequacy in nutrient intake called dietary deficiency, or conditions that interfere with the utilization of a nutrient within an organism.[3] Some of the conditions that can interfere with nutrient utilization include problems with nutrient absorption, substances that cause a greater than normal need for a nutrient, conditions that cause nutrient destruction, and conditions that cause greater nutrient excretion.[3]
Nutrient toxicity occurs when an excess of a nutrient does harm to an organismMacronutrients
According to the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, macronutrients are quite simply “nutrients that provide calories or energy.” They are needed for growth, metabolism, and other functions of the body. Because the word “macro” means big, these nutrients are needed in big amounts. Macronutrients come in three types: carbohydrate, protein and fat. We need all three to survive:

Carbohydrates—45-65 percent of your daily calories (USDA) should come in the form of carbs, as it is the body’s main source of fuel. Without them, you’ll be too tired to work out.

Protein—10-35 percent of daily calories (USDA) should come from proteins, especially lean proteins. Protein helps with growth, tissue repair and keeping your immune system functioning properly. If you weightlift often, proteins help repair those muscles you tore.

Fats—20-35 percent of calories (USDA.) should come from fat, which is necessary for normal growth, energy and maintaining cell membranes. Don’t let the word “fat” deter you from eating them—there are plenty of healthy fat foods, such as nuts and avocados. 

Micronutrients vary from macronutrients in that they are necessary in tiny amounts (hence the word “micro”). However, without them, you can have major health problems and will not be able to perform at maximum level—whether in the gym, home or work. The more common term for micronutrients is “vitamins and minerals.” Just including more fruits, vegetables, salads, healthy soups, etc. will add more micronutrients into your diet. Also, be sure to mix up the vegetables and fruits with lots of colors to make sure you’re getting a variety of vitamins and minerals. 

To assist with achieving the necessary amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients, try adding Gut Health from wFit Nutrition™ to your diet. It helps with maintaining digestive health, allowing your body to receive the maximum amounts of nutrients possible.* 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
“ CrossFit®” is a registered trademark of CrossFit® Inc. and has no affiliation to the above post, nor does it particularly endorse any third-party product or service.Purpose of Macronutrients

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