Tuesday 6 September 2016



Q1 define the term tissue
Ans - A tissue is a group of cell that are similar in structure and organized together to perform a specific task

Q2- How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue ?name them.
Ans- There are four different type of cells that make up the xylem tissue. They are
(3) xylem parenchyma
(4) xylem fibers

Q3- How are simple tissue is different from complex tissue in plants
Ans- simple tissue:-(1) These tissue consists of only one type of cell
(2) The cell are more or less similar in structure and performed similar function
(3) Three type of simple tissue in plants are parenchyma collenchyma and sclerenchyma

Complex tissue:-(1) Tissue are made up of more than one type of cell
(2) The different type of cell perform different function for example in the xylem tissue tracheid help in water transport whereas parenchyma store food
(3)Two type of complex permanent tissue xylem and pholem
Q4-Differentiate between parenchyma collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall
Ans-parenchyma - (1) cell wall are relatively thin and the cell in parenchyma tissue are lossely packed
(2) The cell wall in this tissue is made up of cellulose

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