Even though matter can be found all over the Universe, you will only find it in a few forms on Earth. We cover five states of matter on the site. Each of those states is sometimes called a phase. There are many other states of matter that exist in extreme environments. Scientists will probably discover more states as we continue to explore the Universe.
Five States of Matter
TABLE IS HARD BECAUSE the molecule in the table are paked to gether.
It has fixed shape & fixed volume .So,the is hard .it can be cut with a scissor
Q2- Diver is able to cut water
The moleucules are lossely paked
Tere is intermolecular space.Take the shape of container & fixed volume.
Q3-The smell of hot sizzleing food reacher our nose
There might be several reasons for this.
Two possible explanations I can think of:
1) Particles at high temperatures carry a lot of energy. Because of this, they move about a lot more than cold particles. To say it another way, the kinetic energy (and thus their velocity) is a lot higher than that of colder particles, and so they are more mobile.
The particles that make up the food (in particular the molecules that trigger our sense of smell) also get more mobile if the food gets hotter, and therefor, they are able to reach us from a greater distance.
2) Food often contains large quantities of water. When food is cooked, this water evaporates and the water vapor is able to carry the food molecules over a great distance. Try to visualize it as tiny droplets of water containing the food's smell molecules and carrying them from the food to your nose.
Two possible explanations I can think of:
1) Particles at high temperatures carry a lot of energy. Because of this, they move about a lot more than cold particles. To say it another way, the kinetic energy (and thus their velocity) is a lot higher than that of colder particles, and so they are more mobile.
The particles that make up the food (in particular the molecules that trigger our sense of smell) also get more mobile if the food gets hotter, and therefor, they are able to reach us from a greater distance.
2) Food often contains large quantities of water. When food is cooked, this water evaporates and the water vapor is able to carry the food molecules over a great distance. Try to visualize it as tiny droplets of water containing the food's smell molecules and carrying them from the food to your nose.
Latent heat of fusion
the heat absorbed by a unit mass of a given solid at its melting point that completely converts the solid to a liquid at the same temperature: equal to the heat of solidification. Compare latent heat. heat of fusion in Science Expand.
Latent heat of soild
Solid is one of the four fundamental states of matter (the others being liquid, gas, and plasma). It is characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume. Unlike a liquid, a solid object does not flow to take on the shape of its container, nor does it expand to fill the entire volume available to it like a gas does. The atoms in a solid are tightly bound to each other, either in a regular geometric lattice (crystalline solids, which include metals and ordinary ice) or irregularly (an amorphous solid such as common window glass).
The branch of physics that deals with solids is called solid-state physics, and is the main branch of condensed matter physics(which also includes liquids). Materials science is primarily concerned with the physical and chemical properties of solids.Solid-state chemistry is especially concerned with the synthesis of novel materials, as well as the science of identification andchemical composition.
Evaporation is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance. The other type of vaporization is boiling, which is characterized by bubbles of saturated vapor forming in the liquid phase. Steam produced in a boiler is another example of evaporation occurring in a saturated vapor phase. Evaporation that occurs directly from the solid phase below the melting point, as commonly observed with ice at or below freezing or moth crystals (napthalene orparadichlorobenzene), is called sublimation.
Factors affecting the rate of evaporation
Factors affecting the rate of evaporation Mouseover the pictures to learn more
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