Saturday 9 April 2016

Ayush sharma roll no 25 ( matter in our surroundings)

Why the table is hard?
Answer:-The table is hard because in the table they have some particles and they are tightly packed .In this the inter molecular force of attraction is very high so they attract with each other.

Diver is able to cut the water?
Answer:-This shows that the particles of matter have space between them. This space is the maximum in the gases and the minimum in liquid. Thus, one cannot cut through a solid easily but a diver is able to cut easily through water in a swimming pool.

How the smell of hot sizzling food is reached to our nose?

Answer:-Particles of matter are continuously moving. They possess the kinetic energy. As the temperature rises, particles move faster. Thus, particles that carry smell of hot sizzling food move faster than the smell of the cold food. Therefore, the smell of hot sizzling food can reached to our nose. 

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